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20 December 16

Stakeholder requirements Analysis

Within the framework of Synchronet, the Horizon 2020 co-funded project aimed at demonstrating how a powerful and innovative synchromodal supply chain eco-NET can catalyse the uptake of the slow steaming concept and synchro-modality, an in-depth stakeholder requirements analysis has been carried out. The Consortium undertook stakeholder requirements analysis inside and outside the project to investigate interests and concerns regarding the SYNCHRO-NET key concepts.

The Stakeholder Requirements Analysis deliverable provides an overview of the main requirements derived from the questionnaire responses. The questionnaire received 193 responses from lots of stakeholders such as logistics services providers (20%), freight transport providers (18% ) and users of logistics, a broad category that includes retailers, import/export, and manufacturers, ( 16% ). Key findings show that almost all respondents considered reliability an important factor in meeting the current and future logistics needs of their organisations. Meeting customer demands is another relevant factor in meeting current logistics needs and consistent transit times’ are seen as highly relevant: 84% of respondents consider it extremely important or important.

Around 65% of respondents recognize costs as extremely important and one of the benefits of the system will be to reduce the costs.

Other important factors affecting current and future logistics needs are:

For more information about the questionnaire and its results, download here the deliverable

Leader: DHL
