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The European Technology Platform ALICE is set-up to develop a comprehensive strategy for research, innovation and market deployment of logistics and supply chain management in Europe. The platform support, assist and advise the European Commission into the implementation of the EU Program for research: Horizon 2020 in the area of Logistics. ALICE was officially recognized as a European Technology Platform by the European Commission in July 2013.

ALICE is based on the recognition of the need for an overarching view on logistics and supply chain planning and control, in which shippers and logistics service providers closely collaborate to reach efficient logistics and supply chain operations. ALICE engages with all different kind of stakeholders operating in the Logistics sector.


Future logistics will be based on an open global logistics system: (connecting logistics networks), founded on physical, digital, and operational interconnectivity (access to resources), enabled through modularization, standard interfaces and protocols, with the aim to move, store, produce, supply and use physical objects throughout the world in a manner that is economically, environmentally and socially efficient and sustainable. We call this vision the Physical Internet



Who should participate

Alice Members


All these stakeholders are invited to join ALICE Working Groups on:

WG1 Sustainable, Safe and Secure Supply Chains

WG2 Corridors, Hubs and Synchromodality

WG3 Information Systems for Interconnected Logistics

WG4 Supply Chain Coordination and Collaboration

WG5 Urban logistics



Why become Alice member?



ALICE A.I.S.B.L. Brussels, Belgium, www.etp-alice.eu; contact: info@etp-alice.eu
