Barcelona will host the International Logistics & Material Handling Exhibition “SIL 2016”, one of the most important thematic events in the world, from June 7th to 9th. (Recinto de Montjuic – Plaza España de Fira de Barcelona – España). The 18th SIL edition claim “18 years at the service of Logistics” tells all. This international exhibition, indeed, is leader in the Logistics and Material Handling lines of business, welcoming a 45 % of international companies during the last year edition.
And… what a better occurrence for the SYNCHRO-NET Project Partners to hold the Internal Annual Meeting in Barcelona (The AYRE GRAN VIA, Gran Via de Les Catalanes, 322, Barcelona) on June 6th and 7th !
Furthermore, on the 8th of June, during the SIL CONGRESS ( “Consumer & Goods Session” (10: 30-11:30) the SYNCHRO-NET’s Partners will present the project.
SYNCHRO-NET( is an international initiative funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 programme, aimed at exploiting the basis of connected information network at European level to allow the development of an innovative set of IT tools to manage intermodal chains in an agile, effective and environmentally friendly way.
In addition, from 12:30 to 14:00 the Advisory Board – consisting of representatives from all the partners – and the ECTF* will organize aStakeholder roundtable in PRENSA room about these themes:
All the partners would like to invite you to participate to both events and kindly request to confirm your attendance at the roundtables by mail to by 1st of June. Your contribution and active participation on these would be highly valuable to us. There is a limited budget available to cover costs for attendance at these sessions so please contact us soon if you would be interested in participating.
*The ECTF is a “Enhanced Cooperation Task Force” to support the overall stakeholder engagement strategy for enhanced cooperation and create a wide-open SYNCHRO-NET Community.