The Synchro-Net project is based on the building of demonstrators in order to show the power and the effectiveness of the synchro-modal approach proposed by the several tools included in this Eco-Net.
The maritime modules developed in the Synchro-Net project allow assessing ship slow and smart steaming, either at a strategic level, either for real time operations, taking into account interactions with the other transportation modes in the supply chain.
The “Modelling of slow steaming scenarios” provides the data and the set up required to run theses maritime modules in the frame of the Synchro-Net demonstrators. Based on the ship models developed by the stakeholder of the project, various ships are available to run simulation such as a large container carrier for East-West services, feeders vessels for regional services and a simple RoRo (passenger ferries) model.
Data required to run the Weather Routing Module, which is another component of the maritime module available in the Synchro-Net, has been gathered, including historical weather data for strategic analysis, weather forecast for real time operation, tidal stream prediction, definition of ECA zone, fuel cost assessment.
Finally, in this task, over 120 maritime routes have been defined, including 9 East-West services, 4 regional services in the Mediterranean sea and maritime links between Ireland, United-Kingdom, France and the Netherlands.
This data allows demonstrating how the Synchro-Net operates in a complex environment and can improve the efficiency of the maritime transport using slow and smart steaming.
Source: Synchronet Staff